

Regarding Bill C-11

Thursday September 29, 2022

An update on Bill C-11 -----DAY ONE

The Senate Transport and Communications committee is currently hearing expert testimony about the Trudeau government’s censorship bill.

📌The Privacy Commissioner testified that Bill C-11 would give government bureaucrats the ability to track your online activity, and that raises major privacy concerns. He suggested that one way to empower Canadians to protect their privacy would be to have an “opt out” mechanism, through which you could choose whether you want the government to be able to track your activity and filter what you can see online. This would essentially give you the power to opt out of government tracking and filtering.

📌The Ministry of global affairs testified that they have some concerns that countries like the United States might retaliate against Canada for de-prioritizing foreign content. The last thing Canada needs is a trade dispute with the United States.

So, on DAY ONE of the Senate testimony, we heard from experts warning of major privacy concerns and a potential trade dispute. So far, the Senate has been thoughtful and deliberative in considering Bill C-11.

🌺 The Bill C-11 committee members seem to want to hear what Canadians have to say. Could you send an email to Senator Housakos, the Chair of the Committee Leo.Housakos at sen.parl.gc.ca and Senator Miville-Dechêne, the Vice Chair, julie.miville-dechene at sen.parl.gc.ca and let them know how you feel about Bill C-11 and its related privacy and trade concerns?

Thanks for standing up for taxpayers!
